watch our VIDEO to see camp in action
We hope you enjoy our most recent camp video
This video is a collaboration between our very talented campers and staff, and a wonderful professional camera crew. Much like everything we do at Camp Kennebec, we felt that the making of a camp video should be a camp-wide project and include as many Kennebecers as we could.
A special thank you to everyone involved in the making of our camp video including:
- Staff and campers who agreed to appear on camera
- Our campers (“directors in training”) who offered the film crew their “artistic opinions” and behind-the-scenes advice on how best to position the camera to capture the right shot
- Kennebecers who held the clapper board and yelled action through a megaphone
- Everyone whose Go Pro and other footage we used in the video
- Our very, very patient film crew!

Kennebecers love movie-making & photography
Film making is a very popular activity at camp. With Go Pros, digital, and video cameras, many of our campers spend hours per week shooting and learning about making and editing movies. In fact, one of our campers, Jack B. worked on his own feature length film at camp for a number of years. Each summer at camp, he carefully planned his shots, invited campers to act in his movie, and then screened his film for camp to see. If you watch our camp video carefully, you will see that we’ve incorporated footage that our campers shot during activities and special events around camp.

Helping make a Camp Kennebec video great
It was so much fun to see how excited and helpful our junior Speilbergs and Scorceses were. In fact, the professional videographers encouraged several of our campers to take the craft of film-making seriously, as they showed considerable talent!
So we hope that you enjoy our camp video and through it, are able to experience the Kenne-Magic you hear our staff and campers talk about in the video. As always, if you have any questions about camp, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or call us at (613) 335-2114.