Camp Survey Results
Camp Survey News: Camp Kennebec Rating is 4.6 Stars Out of a Possible 5
At Camp Kennebec, we always want to be improving. The Camp Kennebec annual camp survey for parents and guardians provides honest and valuable feedback that we rely on. With over a 50% response rate, we are confident that we’re getting clear, honest opinions from families. Answers to the 20 camp survey questions help us determine how we were doing at meeting expectations. The questions cover topics including impressions of overall program, activities, staff, and food.
We also ask open-ended questions, so that camp survey respondents can give us advice about what we should keep, add, change or drop to make camp even better. So far, we’ve used the camp survey information to guide our bunk improvements, menus, programs, staffing, and decisions about where to make investments in camp facilities. So here’s our heartfelt thank you to the more than 50% of families who respond to our camp survey every summer.
While we knew that Kennebec parents like camp and value the positive impact it has on their Kennebecers, we were delighted that:
- Families continue to give camp 4.6 stars out of a possible 5 stars, when we asked them to “Please rate Camp Kennebec on a 5 star system, with 1 star meaning “not meeting most of your expectations” and 5 stars meaning “exceeding most of your expectations.
- 100% of families answered yes to the question “Would you recommend camp to a prospective family”?
Here are a few samples of answers we received to our open-ended questions:
camp survey answers to “How well did your camper’s stay at camp meet your expectations?”
Thrilled my son learned the skill of sterning a canoe, and catch so many fish! Delighted that he experienced success every day. GRATEFUL he is in such a loving, nurturing, positive, accepting, angel like setting every summer! Camp Kennebec is heaven!
I greatly appreciate the high level of experience that Kennebec has with my son. You know him so well. You have great staff. My confidence in your organization is very high and frankly the most critical element in my camp decision. Building a safe, reliable, and capable net of support is very challenging for families of special needs kids – Kennebec has grown to become an invaluable part out our family’s support system. Thank you.
My daughter’s first experience at a sleep over camp was so positive, we would happily recommend this camp to anyone with a child on the Autism spectrum!
camp survey key findings:

Camp Survey Finds Parents Rate Camp Kennebec 4.6 Stars Out of 5
Interestingly, we did see some differences between the answers from first time Kennebecers and returning families. Families who already knew us, want more social skills and interactions for their campers. First time families were looking forward to a traditional camp experience in the country.

Social Skill Improvement Is #1 Reason for Sending a Camper to Kennebec, According to Camp Survey

Camp Survey Finds New Camp Families Want Campers to Enjoy Time in the Country
Thanks again for your interest in our Camp Survey results. If you would like more information about the survey results or Camp Kennebec, please call (613) 335-2114 or email [email protected].