We love sharing Camp Kennebec’s history, with anyone who will listen. In 1967, Steve Hannon and his sister Evelyn started Camp Kennebec when they were in their early twenties. Steve had worked with children and teen community groups in Montreal and had been the head counsellor for a very popular summer camp north of Montreal in the Laurentians, called Camp Hiawatha. When the Hannons discovered that Camp Kennebec was for sale, they convinced their mother to invest and help them buy it.

Steve Hannon, Camp Kennebec’s founder
And with Steve’s incredible ability to connect with kids, teens and young adults, his unmatched enthusiasm and imagination, and his ambition to create a summer camp that was truly unique — the “new” Camp Kennebec was born. It wasn’t long before word of this amazing new summer camp spread, and within a couple of years, Camp had long camper waiting lists each summer.
Not only is “Making Kids Happy Since 1967” our slogan, it’s been the Camp Kennebec philosophy since Camp started.
So from the late 1960’s through the early 1990’s, Camp Kennebec was one of the most, if not the most popular summer camp for children and teens from Montreal. It was also where Donna, Jay & Brian all met and formed life-long friendships. In those days, Camp was famous for its four-day Colour War with Colour War “breaks” that included paratroopers parachuting from helicopters, unbelievable all-camp programs including Donkey Baseball with real donkeys (that’s a story unto itself), magic tricks, drive-in movies and the list goes on.

Steve Hannon, Camp Kennebec’s founder leading campers to the start of a Colour War relay race in the late 70s
In the early 1990s, Steve wanted Camp to attract a more diverse group of campers so he could share Camp’s Kenne-Magic. And the rest, as they say, is Camp Kennebec’s history. Since 1991, Camp has catered primarily to children, teens and young adults with a range of developmental delays, learning disabilities, social skill challenges and anxiety disorders.
While camp has changed a little from the free-wheeling 70s and 80s, our philosophy hasn’t. It was Steve’s firm belief that Camp should be a wonderful, magical place for campers and staff alike. It’s that vision and spirit that permeates everything we do at Camp today. We remain committed to being the place that Kennebecers count on to make them happy.
We look forward to welcoming your campers as part of Camp Kennebec’s history too.
Donz, Rob, Sarah, Jay & Brian

Jay originally started coming to Kennebec in the 70's as a camper. He worked many roles at Camp Kennebec but always loved spending time with the horses - something he still does to this day!

Donz started at Camp Kennebec as a Counsellor in Training or Senior C.I.T. (Jay was actually her counselor). She knew from the first time she drove down Camp Road that she was 'home'. All these years later, she couldn't imagine calling any other ...

Brian started at Camp Kennebec as the head of tripping in the '70s. He was known for his wild pranks and love for the outdoors. He may have outgrown pulling pranks, his love for the outside is still just as strong.